by Claudiu Gamulescu | Mar 11, 2008 |
You arrive at office and turn on the laptop at 9.00 am in the morning, drinking your coffee. Push send/receive email to start the day. And here they are… my friends… Not again Urban&Asociatii (some lawyers) and Rentrop%Straton (some publishing house) !...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Jan 31, 2008 |
The reason I write this post is the evolution of my website. Three years ago, talking with Ionut, we agreed the market is growing, and is was a fast growth. At that time we both were involved in Netsport, and when we looked at website growth, we didn’t know why...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Jan 24, 2008 |
After Google offered their services in strategic partnerships in learning field (USA and even Romania : ASE Bucharest & Politechnica ), at the end of 2007 they officially launched their services in Romania, the first Google event here. We discovered the Google...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Jan 23, 2008 |
I have an old obsession regarding progress at village level. Those who know me, smile at my thoughts about the rural medium and the village-users. Because these users are not in advertising targets , they are not valued by multinationals, they are not YUPPIE (and...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Jan 17, 2008 |
During InternetCEE I had the chance to talk to the “big guys” in Baltic Countries, the men who did real success stories in this region, talking about millions and millions Euro. On the other hand they were complaining about their possible entry in Romania...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Dec 4, 2007 |
Vlad Stan’s leaving Vodanet (General Manager) is a hot topic these days. A decision that storms controversy. The shares in Vodanet are 40% Vlad Stan and 60% NCH (Broadhurst). The propriety :,,, Two weeks ago, another...