I was reading about the first programmer in the world who was a woman : Ada Byron . Unfortunately she lived just 37 years (1815-1852) . Although those times had a smaller life hope comparing nowadays, i believe it was a lot of stress in programming those machines 🙂 .
With this occasion I want to tell you we work in a very constructive way with our women programmers. They are very good and have a very good way of organizing projects. Thanx to : Andreea Popescu, Carmen Enache, Cristina Din, Mihaela Udrea (and Alida Popescu too, even she is a designer).
Ai dreptate Claudiu. O femeie este mult mai ordonata decat un barbat si daca mai este si ambitioasa poate ajunge un foarte bun programator.
Poate “competitia” dintre barbati si femei le face sa vada cateodata lucrurile mai bine decat un barbat.
Oricum e bine sa lucrezi cu femei fiindc vezi lucrurile expuse si dintr-un alt unghi