Yesterday I was to Webstock, another event for online industry organized by Evensys (Cristi Manafu). It was a good event, but I am still surprised of the lack of maturity of Romanian bloggers. Poor and banlieue language for those who are suppose to be the leaders and inspiring the other bloggers.

Today a I saw an example of a better reaction against Internet banning in Turkey (the courts decide the websites with no access in this country). Only this year were blocked over 1000 websites and they don’t stop. Read the full story at SE Times.

I tried to use Google Translator, but is not working for Turkish. Anyhow, see same examples of bloggers from Turkey : Tinca, Yasaklisiteler, Istanbullian, Baroni, Habibmol, Eksisozluk

 Te pot anunta daca apar noi eBooks din seria eQ, rezultate ale studiului de e-commerce in România, cursuri si materiale eLearning


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Seria "EQ, E-business Quotient,pregatirea inteligenta in afacerile online"

Am lucrat o serie de eBooks si materiale care trateaza aspecte legate de activitatea digitala. Pentru moment este disponibila Eq1 "Continutul Digital" si vor urma Eq2 "Analiza Afacerii Digitale", Eq3 "Marketing Online", Eq4 "Magazinul Online", Eq5 "Servicii pentru online" (in faza de tehnoredactare). 

Iti multumesc ! Urmeaza sa primesti un link de unde sa descarci eBooks