It is not about as many of you have thought … (this one is only 1.5 times bigger than last year).
[ Now 4 aug.08 reaches 45.931 websites, 1.7 billion impressions every week and @58 millions visitors weekly ]

It is about the traffic at Romania’s west borders where the traffic increased 7 times than same period of last month. The Romanians are coming back and starts the big Italian-Spanish-German party-fiesta.

Coming today from Fagaras to Brasov I had the ultimate EU sensation: cars from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Austria … and 10% Romanian cars (8.00 am).

If you want to leave a message for Romanians in Italy, now it’s easy because you can reach them at local cost.
watch video : !

I cannot abstain laughing at maybe what is called “the best Romanian viral video” . (an Audi paid campaign actually)

publicitate : top vizitatori Internet, istorie si evolutie

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