Today i had the honor to pay my train ticket with the card in Romania. It happened in Brasov. I say it because the fact happened inside the station (not ticketing agency). It wasn’t so easy, because I had a paper with the sum, went to public nr.10, pay the amount and then get back and take the ticket. BUT !
– after oil price rise all CFR shares is rising in BVB stock exchange
– the second e-commerce website in France is SNCF (e-commerce in France)
– the second player in Germany e-commerce is the DB Bahn
(both after E-Bay)

What @ .ro ? Still using cars because is better and gas is still cheap 🙂 ?

Intrebare : daca lucrezi la CFR ce esti ?

 Te pot anunta daca apar noi eBooks din seria eQ, rezultate ale studiului de e-commerce in România, cursuri si materiale eLearning


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Seria "EQ, E-business Quotient,pregatirea inteligenta in afacerile online"

Am lucrat o serie de eBooks si materiale care trateaza aspecte legate de activitatea digitala. Pentru moment este disponibila Eq1 "Continutul Digital" si vor urma Eq2 "Analiza Afacerii Digitale", Eq3 "Marketing Online", Eq4 "Magazinul Online", Eq5 "Servicii pentru online" (in faza de tehnoredactare). 

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