will sell the advertising space for the website of Radio 21.

A quick overview (according tools) for first week of June / Searches for RADIO
30.251 radio 21
14.580 radio manele
12.393 radio
9.941 radio online
6.089 radio romantic
5.910 radio live
2.029 radio ultra
1.887 radio kiss fm
1.714 radio 21 live
1.464 radio manele online

From these data : the three radios that counts online are : Radio 21, Radio Romantic, Radio KissFM

Radio 21 is far the winner of Romanian Internet community search, 5 times bigger online than Romantic (a very nice Radio indeed) and 25 times bigger than KissFM, the real competitor in the market.
I wonder where is EuropaFM in online, because they promote a lot their webiste on-air.

I think the visitors from radio self-promotions are equal for Radio21, KissFM and EuropaFM, but the difference in visitors is made by the brand awareness, where Radio 21 beats them all.

BONUS : Rita Rita, a melody promoted by Radio 21

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