ANSPDCP or Data Protection. How to use : you register online or offline, and is a time-consuming process, either the result is not so spectacular : you are allowed or not to manipulate personal information.
Where is the key ? Nobody knows that you should register only if you are using data in OTHER ways , other of offering the user the services he requires and need personal data.
Brief : if you have an online store, and the user wants to buy, and you need his data to send the goods, it’s ok. If you want to send him a birthday mail or gift … you should register ANSPDC.
as long as u keep records of their private information (as they listed them)in a hard copy or electronic u must register to the authority. there are just few cases (acountants, lawyers police then can make use of personal date without warning and authetification). No matter your intention : christmas e-cards or promotional adds. I had a big fight over this matter with the authority for my online data base with members- 700 people. the idea is: u are forced to register. Other wise you can be fined, and they are talking about BIG MONEY. 🙂