Google has just done it!
They have revealed the somewhat secret search volume numbers that they’ve been withholding for so long.
Now you can see exactly how many searches a keyword phrase gets right ON
So, the tool now have a good competitor.
See at the image below, Google says there are about 3600 searches medium a month. tool says that Netbridge network captures only 300 monthly of them. (as 80% market measurement)

[ nota : vrei sa primesti tips&tricks de SEO pentru Google ? ]

Having the first position in Google on “comert electronic” (thats why I make this analyse) I should take traffic somewhere around 300 clicks (because measure my website) and 3600 clicks because Google says so. Google Analytics reports 140 clicks from this specific keyphrase. Usualy users click on the first-second-third link in 90% … so, using reverse engineering leads me to a 200 click-searches done in the very optimistic way.

Conclusion : Google actual system of public keywords is more than 10 times influenced and maybe they try to attract in this way more money from advertising. Wait and see what happens next.

Publicitate : Magazin de agatzat … pe Internet

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