It was the last Internet event in 2008 .

Netcamp was a great opportunity to hear some great speakers and listen to their online experiences : Hugh MacLeod, i just loved his cartoons, Rodrigo Schulz, offering your online TV, i will explore this, Miel van Opstal, Enthusiam Evanghelist at Microsoft ( nice job ), Mihai Crasneanu, fonder of Glowria, Nir Manor, the brain of TheMarker, and Eirik Solheim, NRK.

The business networking was good and i saw a lot of Internet investors and venture-capitalists like Calin Fusu, Orlando Nicoara, Vlad Stan, Rashad el Jisr, Mihai Seceleanu, Marius Ghenea and Adrian Amariei. About the last one i read a nice story in a magazine. But Adrian told me that what is the most important : the present, living today, making money today. It was a great conversation about entrepreneurship and principles.

I saw 20 new web projects, 5 in the great final. All the people were young, 20-25 , enthusiastic and with a global think. I saw myself ( as energy ) 10 years ago. I just hope they will have fuel for the next 10 years.

The phrase of day day : Mihai Crasneanu about the common mistakes for entrepreneurs : “They have Miopia, Halucinations and are Stubborn ”

Congratulations Cristian and Dragos for the event.

BONUS from the web :
A new concept of music websites

Marian made a very useful software for publishing website, especially for the papers and publications: Ro-Diacritic-Placer

& EVZ, one of the biggest news websites in Romania serving Google-Enlargement-Penis adds

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