Thursday i will be in Sofia for Marketing Innovation Forum . 600 people will be there, especially Bulgarian Mass Media.
Jay Conrad Levinson , the father of Guerilla Marketing, and the mentor of Ciprian’s trainings, will be there. (I think I read the book in 2000 and it was the first unconventional marketing i read,very different of university)
Sahar Hashemi, the Cofee Republic, Manchester’s former marketing manager Peter Draper and Sean Cornwell, European Manager for Google, are the other speakers.
I will hold a 15 min presentation about the nearest launch of the first E-Academy (Internet School) in Central East Europe. Details soon after the initiative is on. In July I already invite you at summer courses at Varna …
Felicitari si bafta! Astept sa te intorci cu relatari si impresii!
Ar fi necesara o documentare inainte de a lansa termeni ca prima scoala pe internet din Europa Centrala si de Est, deoarece numai in Romania exista deja doua proiecte de acest fel si un al treilea al unei unversitati care ofera mastere online. Cred ca putem discuta personal mai multe despre astfel de proiecte, eu fiind initiatorul celei de-a doua(cronologic) scoala online din Romania.
Da, e ok ce ai spus tu, ca fiind si alte initiative in ce priveste o scoala PE Internet. Insa e vorba de o academie internet unde mergi si inveti timp de 2 ani, ca la orice alta scoala. Insa mai multe detalii osa vina in curand pe aceasta tema.
super. voiam sa merg si eu dar timpul e scurt. sa vii cu impresii si feedback. asteptam
Cei care pun acum bazele internet marketingului in Ro vor domina piata.