21 September is the new and official date of the concert. 2 month delayed, the concert will be open-air, at “Arcul de triumf” Stadium (I hope will not be like rugby at the concert). Finally we didn’t make a special website for event, but decide to put a blog same style as the artist’s official website.
Enjoy leonardcohen.ro
and see you there !
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e adus de intact?
AEG Live, in Romania prin Events. Jurnalul National e partener media la eveniment.
@Zoso – Este un eveniment Jurnalul National, organizat de compania Events.
Vrei sa-l cunosti?
bogdan, e un eveniment events, la care JN e partener media, pentru ca s-au cacat pe ei la negocieri.
pe cine sa cunosc? pe claudiu? sunt satul de el si cred ca si el de mine…
@zoso salutare si tie Vali. Nu zici tu rau cu saturatul … Eu am inteles ca pe Leonard daca vrei sa il cunosti 🙂
Sau poate pe “Jurnalul” … cica e un tip de treaba
@bogdan : stateam si ma gandeam ca habar nu am daca JN e partener sau organizator… o sa intreb maine
Why was the concert delayed 2 months? Was it JN, was it Events or was it Leonard Cohen? If any of them was responsible for the delay then why would anyone want to know them? Damn unreliable gits! 🙂