I was reading today about a website you can use if you are not inspired in naming a brand. Namethis.com is basic a social network website doing professional work. The website gets 99 USD for this brainstorm and the user gets prizes. Everything is on a social software platphorm named Kluster. And everybody is happy.
Nicolae Naumof said to me one day that his prefered job is to give names. Well, make an account there and see what happens.

Another good product is an online monitoring service launched yesterday by the press agency of SRR (Romanian Radiobroadcast Society). The service aggregate news from Romania and another 15 languages and make different analyze on data. The output is calendars, bulletins, reports, e-fluxes, anything you want to personalize. Adi Stan tried something similar with his jocpolitic.ro project.

I was thinking in the morning at one fact. The access to books and wide world Internet gives people access to ideas. Everyday you get an idea, a great idea, that is 90% likely other people in the world already have it, especially if you are working in Internet. So, if everybody have ideas, why some people/businesses are greater than others?

And the response is very simple. Because only 1% in the entire process is the idea. To be successful with an entire “opera” resulted from idea you need :
1. Discipline
2. Constancy
3. Vision and Strategy
4. Passion
5. The good way of doing things
6. Great maintenance after
and of course money … because great ideas that doesn’t require money are only 1:1000000

 Te pot anunta daca apar noi eBooks din seria eQ, rezultate ale studiului de e-commerce in România, cursuri si materiale eLearning


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Seria "EQ, E-business Quotient,pregatirea inteligenta in afacerile online"

Am lucrat o serie de eBooks si materiale care trateaza aspecte legate de activitatea digitala. Pentru moment este disponibila Eq1 "Continutul Digital" si vor urma Eq2 "Analiza Afacerii Digitale", Eq3 "Marketing Online", Eq4 "Magazinul Online", Eq5 "Servicii pentru online" (in faza de tehnoredactare). 

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