During my presentation at Next Online Players conference (2nd day – PUBLISHING), I just noticed (again) that publishing in Romania is more like an exit-business for the (new)players in. Mostly because they don’t believe in publishing and in some happy clients and in fair advertising money, and dislike to death the big publishers that cannot be put behind (conclusion : the clients are bad, the agencies are bad, the brokers are bad). Anyway … I still believe in good publishing, because can be done.

So, for all the people in the conference, as I promised, here is the link for the evaluation of a website (not the business, just the website as Strategic Business Unit). Is the model I use day-by-day (the hard part is the one with the opportunity cost). Evaluare Site / Website Value Evaluation

And here is an example of how the document should be made. As add on, every field in the document should be commented.
Why the income is X ( Y from advertising – last 6 months media – minus the salary of the people working strictly in website)
The words first in Google, The words on first page in Google (and why, explained because the buyer may not understand the value of that words). and so on …
Here is a model for the Underclick.ro website 🙂
Underclick.ro WebSite Value
(take it just like a model and not like a business proposal)
recomandari: Anti Morometele, by my old friend Copolovici

 Te pot anunta daca apar noi eBooks din seria eQ, rezultate ale studiului de e-commerce in România, cursuri si materiale eLearning


Nu îmi plac mesajele de tip SPAM și îți promit că o să păstrez în siguranță adresa ta de email. Nu uita că te poți dezabona în orice moment dorești.

Te-ai abonat cu succes !

Seria "EQ, E-business Quotient,pregatirea inteligenta in afacerile online"

Am lucrat o serie de eBooks si materiale care trateaza aspecte legate de activitatea digitala. Pentru moment este disponibila Eq1 "Continutul Digital" si vor urma Eq2 "Analiza Afacerii Digitale", Eq3 "Marketing Online", Eq4 "Magazinul Online", Eq5 "Servicii pentru online" (in faza de tehnoredactare). 

Iti multumesc ! Urmeaza sa primesti un link de unde sa descarci eBooks