by Claudiu Gamulescu | May 14, 2008 |
The YouTube like Romanian website was sold today, 14 may 2008, to Alexis Bonte, a French businessman that owned 10% before (now he controls the company with 51%). The estimate for this website is 2.5 mil Euro so we can imagine the offer was aroud 1.5 mil...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | May 12, 2008 |
Manafu did it again. Webclub is a very good initiative. Organized in the same way as Real Estate Investors’ Society (REIS), the club will gather the most important people in Romanian Online and their partners. Thanks Mihai for the picture and you can see all the...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | May 5, 2008 |
Last year i wrote about Men’s Day ( Ziua Barbatului) . Why I remember this today ? – because it was a post with many responses in time – because today is again 5 May, the International Man Day (?) – because is a beer commercial war between the...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Apr 22, 2008 |
Madalin is right when saying the Romanian Mass Media had a major impact over the under performance of E-commerce, because of the hype around hackers’ actions. Every time a Romanian Hacker “does something” is very media-exposed and that’s why...
by Claudiu Gamulescu | Apr 21, 2008 |
One year ago at the last EU Study on Internet usage in Europe : 18,4% of Romanians connected on Internet The new study places Romania on the last position in Europe (and Greece after us). Nothing changed since last year. But …. let’s take a closer look....